Kiki Burrelli writes what she wants. Usually it’s sexy guys doing sexy things, or eating quesadillas. Both are acceptable.
She can be found behind her laptop shamelessly inserting herself in the most inappropriate of places.
Kiki’s book are a mixture of humor, steam, magic, and slow motion violence. She’s always dreamed of walking casually away from an explosion while slowly putting on her sunglasses but since she can’t find her sunglasses and explosions are dangerous, she lets her characters do it for her.
Take a look at the Books tab (don’t forget to check the Reading Order tab too!) or head over to her Amazon author page. While you’re there, be sure to click +Follow so you never miss out on a new Kiki Burrelli release!
If you ever have a question, comment, or just want to chat, reach out at kikiburrelli@gmail.com or come hang out in Kiki’s Den.